A downloadable Decompile

Color-Ometry is out now! Go download that game to get a more original experience!

This is a WIP that can be downloaded and played at your own risk! I expect to hit V5 by November!


Q: Will there ever be android support?

A: No.

Q: How often do you work on this?

A: at least once every day!

Q: Do you have own anything in this mod.

A: Kinda? All Rooms were made in the Open Source Baldi Project! The doors were made in Paint.NET and everything else belongs to either mystman12 or someone else!

Q: will you remaster this when Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered comes out?

A: Unfortunately, No. 

Q: When will this mod leave early access?

A: It's out of early access now!

Q: May I edit this if I credit you?

A: NO! the mod is Closed Source

Q: How long do you take trying to do things?!

A: TBH, about 2 hours a day!

Baldi's Basics in Windows and Fun! Rebooted by is out now! I highly advise you play that instead of this outdated mess


V1.3.1 47 MB
Baldi's Basics In Windows and Fun V1.4 Beta 3.zip 66 MB

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