A downloadable Decompile for Windows

This mod is for 1.4.3!

It is a decompile, meaning that a copy of the original Game is not required to play!

Welcome to Baldi's Basics in Windows and Fun Rebooted!


Q: Will there ever be android or iOS support?

A: As of right now, No! However i am mentally preparing myself for the possibility of Mobile Support! Its possible because its based on 1.4.3, and that version has Mobile support!

Q: How often do you work on this?

A: at least once every day!

Q: Do you have own anything in this mod.

A: No. Well not everything at least! The Math Machines are by Daniilsuperx. The Beans script is by SeenWonderAlex (You already know who he is!).

Q: will you remaster this when Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered comes out?

A: Unfortunately, No. 

Q: When will this mod leave early access?

A: This is a bit of a difficult question to answer! I Honestly have no idea, but i think sometime in June!

Q: How long do you take trying to do things?!

A: TBH, about 2 hours a day!

Baldi's Basics in New Concepts and Excitement is out now! It is advised that if you decide to play a mod of mine, that you play this one!


Baldi's Basics in Windows and Fun Rebooted.zip 56 MB
Baldi's Basics in Windows and Fun Rebooted v0.1.2.zip 57 MB

Install instructions

You know how .zip files work!

Development log


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(1 edit)

How to add mrs pomp?

Hello Everyone! Im proud to announce that the new mod (known as Baldi's Basics in New Concepts and Excitement) is now out! You can download version 0.1 here! https://baldilovesapples.itch.io/baldis-basics-in-new-concepts-and-fun Alternatively you can sign up for a private beta program here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAA...

And it took me over a week to develop!

